Sunday, December 20, 2009

The kitten made me do it


Well well.. Well.

I don't know what to say. I never have been a blog sort of guy, but when a kitten climbs into your lap whilst you are attempting to knit your lovely partner a sweater and decides that knitting needles are the enemy, you are almost forced to find something else to do. That's my story anyway. The kitten made me do it.

The kitten also today made me do a number of other things, including;

1) Not do the dishes.
2) Not tidy my wardrobe
3) Not make myself a decent lunch, and instead feast upon a Mars Bar and a packet of Barbecue Shapes

All in all, she's a very good kitten when she's not getting into my knitting. She is a constant source of amusement, and her play is a good model for life.

"If it moves, jump on it because it might just eat your face if you don't."

Words to live by Little-Cat. You're so wise.